

The Chase Freedom Unlimited Offers Multiple Valuable Features for No Annual Fee - Broadlink Data Services, LLC.

October 15, 2024

Raina He

Raina He


Raina He is a contributor to CNET Money. She previously worked as an editor at CNET, focusing on credit cards, banking and loans. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. in Media and Journalism. Before coming to CNET Money, she was an editor at NextAdvisor, a personal finance news site that shared a parent company with CNET Money.

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Why You Can Trust CNET Money

A cash-back credit card can be a valuable addition to your wallet — especially if you’re earning rewards from your top spending categories. But no matter how lucrative a credit card’s rewards are, it’s important to only charge what you can afford and pay your bill in full and on time each month. Otherwise, fees and interest charges can essentially wipe out any rewards you earn.

When choosing a cash-back card, start by comparing your spending habits to the rewards categories and rates a card offers. Choosing a card that rewards you for what you’re already buying makes it easy to earn rewards without overspending. For instance, if you spend more on groceries, gas and dining out, you may choose a cash-back credit card with these rewards categories to maximize your rewards. You’ll also want to consider a card’s welcome bonus, which can help you rack up rewards quickly.

If you choose a cash-back or rewards credit card with an annual fee, make sure the card’s perks and rewards can offset this charge. If you don’t earn enough rewards or take advantage of the additional cardholder perks (like monthly subscriptions and merchant discounts), keeping the card may not be worth it.

Raina He is a contributor to CNET Money. She previously worked as an editor at CNET, focusing on credit cards, banking and loans. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. in Media and Journalism. Before coming to CNET Money, she was an editor at NextAdvisor, a personal finance news site that shared a parent company with CNET Money.

CNET editors independently choose every product and service we cover. Though we can’t review every available financial company or offer, we strive to make comprehensive, rigorous comparisons in order to highlight the best of them. For many of these products and services, we earn a commission. The compensation we receive may impact how products and links appear on our site.

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